What is stability? Definition and meaning


Let’s say someone creates a library that does basic arithmetic — there are functions to add, subtract, multiply, divide. I’m programming my own software, and I want to use that library so I don’t have to code my own arithmetic operations. So I look at the documentation, I see, “Okay, this function expects 2 integers”, and then I can use that library in my own software, and pass along 2 integers when I want to add them or whatever.

what is stability

Based on my own interpretation of your comments, generally, power system reliability talks about how the power network performs to deliver electric power to the loads while the power system stability deals with the equilibrium of the system, how the system regain its operating state after being subjected to disturbances. What you described in your mine example, is not necessarily unstable , it was stable enough to stay on and also acceptable to the mine loads. There were variations in V and f but once adjusted it stayed “there” , high or low. On the other hand you can have a very stable system with a single generator, but if that fails for any reason and there is no back-up, that is an unreliable system design, even if the system appears stable at a given time. If the system had a back up to or alternate source to fall on by taking that bad unit off line but continue the service. That is a reliable system as for as the customer goes and business goes.


In § 98.21, this NPRM proposes to clarify that Lead Agencies are permitted to examine eligibility criteria of benefit programs in their jurisdictions to predetermine which benefit programs have eligibility criteria aligned with CCDF. Once programs are identified as being aligned with CCDF income and other eligibility requirements, Lead Agencies would have the option to use the family’s enrollment in such public benefit program to verify the family’s CCDF eligibility according to § 98.68. Opportunities for Lead Agencies to streamline eligibility policies by leveraging eligibility information from other programs and to align family eligibility timelines. These provisions are designed to align with the Act’s goal of providing families with continuity of care, which benefits child well-being and family economic security. ACF welcomes public comment on specific provisions included in this proposed rule that may warrant a longer phase-in period. These comments will be taken into consideration when assessing the costs, transfers, and benefits of the final rule.

what is stability

In the context of ongoing climate change, this type of manipulative transplant experiment provides a crucial inferential link between purely observational experiments, data synthesis efforts, and large-scale ecosystem manipulations. Coastal forests are increasingly exposed to the effects of climate change and sea https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ level rise. However, scientists have an incomplete understanding of what this means for soil stability. An experiment has examined how soil might change when transplanted between parts of a tidal creek that differ in salinity. Most nuclear isotopes are unstable, but the world is mostly made of stable ones.

stability | American Dictionary

This proposal does not impact the current requirement for states and territories to spend at least 3 percent of their total expenditures on activities to improve the quality and supply of child care for infants and toddlers. Section 98.50 reflects section 658G of the Act (42 U.S.C. 9858e), which includes a phased-in increase to the percent of expenditures states and territories must spend on activities to improve the quality of child care. The phase-in ended on September 30, 2020, so we propose to delete the phase-in schedule for the quality set-aside at § 98.50 because it is outdated. This proposal does not impact the current requirement for states and territories to spend at least 9 percent of their total expenditures, not including state maintenance of effort funds, on quality activities.

  • A system is in unstable equilibrium if, when displaced from equilibrium, it experiences a net force or torque in the same direction as the displacement from equilibrium.
  • For Approach 2, we had an annual transfer estimate of $222.3 million.
  • That means that the burden of those co-payment costs shift to the CCDF Lead Agency.
  • This proposal does not impact the current requirement for states and territories to spend at least 9 percent of their total expenditures, not including state maintenance of effort funds, on quality activities.
  • In September 2016, HHS published a final regulation, clarifying the new provisions of the Act and building on the priorities that Congress included in reauthorization.
  • This requirement is aligned with statutory requirements and has applied to Territories since they first received mandatory funds in FY 2021.

Nations that are economically unstable tend to share a number of features, such as long periods of recession, frequent crises, increasing inflation, over-dependence on commodity prices, and a volatile currency. Stabilityis a term used by economists to describe a country’s financial system that displays only tiny output growth fluctuations and has a long track record of low inflation. All the advanced economy’s central banks, and those of most of the rest of the world, see economic stability as a desirable state. A Territory eligible to receive redistributed Mandatory Funds shall also use the ACF–696 to request its share of the redistributed funds, if any. Total number of children in care by provider category and licensing status. Therefore, we propose to amend the language at § 98.84 to allow Tribal Lead Agencies until the end of the fourth year following the year that the grant is awarded to liquidate funds for construction and major renovation .

More from Merriam-Webster on stability

Grants and contracts represent agreements between the subsidy program and child care providers to designate slots for subsidy-eligible children. Sufficiently funded grants and contracts for direct services are more likely to increase stability for child care providers than certificates, helping them remain in business, and thereby maintaining or increasing the supply of child care. For example, an evaluation of an infant and toddler contracted slot pilot in Pennsylvania found that participating programs had greater financial stability than providers solely paid through certificates, increased classroom quality, and more stable enrollment for infants and toddlers receiving child care subsidies. They also found evidence that providers had a greater ability to hire and retain qualified staff and establish better coordination between local and state systems. They also reported that the higher reimbursement rate paid with the contracts was closer to the true cost of providing care and allowed providers to invest in quality improvements. As discussed later in this NPRM, Tribal Lead Agencies are not subject to this proposal because of differences in their CCDF programs.

We then calculated the number of co-payments that would be waived if a subset of Lead Agencies implemented this policy. We calculated the transfer amount for a range of possibilities, including scenarios with a low estimate of 5 percent of Lead Agencies implementing the policy and a high estimate of 45 percent of Lead Agencies. However, based on anecdotal evidence and policy questions that have been submitted to OCC by Lead Agencies, we chose definition of stability to use a midpoint of 25 percent implementation for the RIA. For the purposes of this estimate, we applied the low co-payment level to families with incomes between 0–100 percent of FPL and the high co-payment levels to families with incomes between 100–150 percent of FPL. We note that this is likely an overestimate because families with incomes in the 100–150 percent of FPL range are not the highest earning families in the CCDF program .

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Further, this regulatory action provides much-needed clarity around what is and what is not allowed. We also propose to add a definition of Territoryto mean “the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.” This proposed new definition aims to streamline the CCDF regulations, particularly where Territory funding and allocations are discussed. We propose a conforming change to the definition of Stateto mean “any of the States and the District of Columbia and includes Territories and Tribes unless otherwise specified”. Programs and streamline eligibility processes through information sharing with other benefit programs.

what is stability

With tools like Stable Doodle, Stability AI is chasing after new sources of revenue following a lull in its commercial endeavors. (Stable Doodle is free, but subject to limits.) In April, Semafor reported that Stability AI was burning through cash, leading to an executive hunt to help ramp up sales. Stability AI envisions Stable Doodle serving as a tool for designers, illustrators and other professionals to “free up valuable time” and “maximize efficiency” in their work.

Kids Definition

Additionally, since the cg of a person’s body is above the pivots in the hips, displacements must be quickly controlled. This control is a central nervous system function that is developed when we learn to hold our bodies erect as infants. For increased stability while standing, the feet should be spread apart, giving a larger base of support. Stability is also increased by lowering one’s center of gravity by bending the knees, as when a football player prepares to receive a ball or braces themselves for a tackle.

what is stability

And it is not just about preventing falls as you get older, or reserved for the world of sport. Keeping your body balanced and your posture stable has positive health benefits. Thus an airliner in flight is dynamically stable, and will keep going in the same direction even when buffeted by uneven air pressure .

References[change | change source]

Debian and CentOS, for example, support their versions for a very long time, and they specifically make sure the software in their repositories doesn’t change very often. They pick a version of the software, and then from that point on, you only get security patches and bug fixes. What that means is that the software interface stays the same, but the code underneath might be fixed in ways that don’t change how you interact with it. If you are running a web server where you have your own software built on top of these packages, that can be really important. You want to make sure that you test your own software to make sure it still works whenever those underlying packages get updated.

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